Olive Magazine Nasi goreng (Indonesian fried rice)

This is an absolute staple in our house. I love rice based dishes – risotto, jambalaya, one pots etc. This recipe is perfect for us as a family because while full of flavour it isn’t too spicy. Then I can top mine with fresh chilli and / or chilli sauce.

I am sure this is far from an authentic Nasi goreng but it is certainly a tasty midweek meal!

You can get the recipe over on Olive Magazine

Marcus Wareing chicken curry Korma-style

The Marcus Wareing books are great and this was a nice curry. Next time I would include a bit more chilli for some extra heat. The curry paste and marinade are really good and I’ll use them again.

You can get the recipe in Marcus at Home

Olive Magazine Fettuccine alfredo

Creamy, rich and indulgent. A classic. I love this recipe by Olive Magazine – always reminds me of the fun run in The Office (if you know you know.) I have added chicken breast to mine which I kept moist by treating it like a steak. Pan fry, cover in butter, finish off in the oven – works every time and the outside gets a lovely nutty butter finish.

You can get the recipe at Olive Magazine here.

STCG: one pot Chinese chicken and rice

So many dinners are better the next day aren’t they! Maybe I was just super hungry for Match of the Day, or maybe this actually was just nicer the next day! Anyway, it’s a great recipe, nice and easy and will feed four adults well. The flavours are there and there is a decent amount of veg in here to! If you haven’t got the specific Chinese wine, I am sure a splash of mirin would be fine.

I have this the next day at room temp as a late snack with some sriracha on top and it was absolutely ace.

You can get the receive over at Sam the cooking guy!

Sam the Cooking Guy: Greek Chicken

Ok so this doesn’t look that special – I know… but the marinade on the chicken and the flavour in this sauce is so good.

The first thing you’ll notice when you look at the ingredients list is that the marinade isn’t particularly traditionally Greek! But it’s all stuff you’ll have in the cupboard – do it!

The second thing you’ll notice when you taste the sauce is it’s basically recipe for the garlic and herb dip the pizza cos never give you enough of – so now you’ll never run out! Do it!

Recipe here at Sam the Cooking Guy.

Chris Baber’s ‘dead easy chicken curry noodles’

Really quick and easy recipe – though I forgot the bean-sprouts which would have been nice. The recipe has what you’d expect with garlic, chilli and ginger, curry powder and turmeric. The sauce is made up of stock and coconut oil, all bound around noodles.

You can get the recipe of Chris Baber’s Instagram.

Nigella Lawson roast chicken and Yorkshire puddings

Look at the rise on those babies! So the chicken recipe was nothing groundbreaking as it was from the basics section from ‘How to Eat’. A lemon up the jacksy, oiled and seasoned. The lemon flavours a lighter gravy. The Yorkies however were a revelation. Just look how they rose!